Simple Energy Healing Techniques

Originally published at Gateways to Inner Peace .com

Why Practice Energy Healing Techniques?

Everything that we experience or come into contact with has an effect on our energy system. This effect is usually small, and our vibration corrects itself after a short period of time. However, some experiences can have a profound and long-term effect on our energetic body.

alternative energy healing

Our energy field is constantly being affected by both internal and external influences. Our life force responds instantaneously to bring our energy body back into balance. Our Spirit is aware of our personal energy blueprint and does its best to keep the whole system stable.

However, there are many things in our life that can chronically disturb our energy which, over a period of time, can lead to emotional, mental and physical dis-ease. 

Without practising some simple energy healing techniques on a regular basis, I believe we are neglecting a part of ourselves that is vital to our overall health, happiness and vitality.

What are some things that can lead to chronic disruption of our energy systems?:

  • Unchecked emotional or mental stress, such as from home or work related situations. This can accumulate over time and have an insidious affect on our subtle energy body. This imbalance then filters down through our energy layers and can eventually affect our physical body.
  • A sudden, severe shock can severely disturb the alignment of our subtle bodies and make it difficult for the life force to reach our physical body.
  • Prolonged physical exhaustion from overwork and inadequate rest.
  • The use of alcohol, cigarettes and recreational drugs.
  • Nutritional deficiencies and sensitivities.
  • The environmental and chemical pollutants that now fill our everyday lives.
  • Electromagnetic pollution from all of the man-made electrical and magnetic fields, from things such as power cables, televisions, computers and radio transmitters. The accepted safety levels for these, and chemical, pollutants, do not consider the effects on our energy body.
  • Physical trauma can cause accompanying damage in the energy body which may leave the physical area weak.
  • Our thoughts are also energy and so negative thoughts, emotions and beliefs that have become long-term and ingrained can impede the flow of higher spiritual energies into our bodies.
    The occasional negative thought or emotion is part of being human and is no cause for concern. But most of us have long-term negative thought patterns or self-deprecating feelings that have become ingrained in our energetic pattern.
  • Coming into contact with the negative thought patterns others have created in the energy field around them can also subtly affect us, as can working in an environment of negative thought energies.
    Our chakras pull in energy from our environment, including the energies from other people, and distribute them within our body.

So you can see that there are many factors, both internal and external, that can affect the health of our energy.

To maximise our wellbeing, our physical and subtle bodies need to have a healthy rate of vibration, which means that our vital force is stronger. Everything we do affects our vibration – what we see, hear, taste, touch, smell, eat, drink, think, feel, experience and believe.

It was proven by Albert Einstein that what we perceive as physical matter is merely low frequency energy, and the vibration of that energy can be changed.

You can raise your vibration and you can improve your wellbeing!

If you’re looking to improve your well-being on all levels – emotional, mental, physical and spiritual – and work toward achieving your full potential, why not try incorporating some simple energy healing techniques into your life? It’s easy, and the benefits are well worth it.

alternative energy healing

Simple Energy Healing Techniques

Energy healing uses a variety of naturally occurring vibrations to help create positive changes to our own energy patterns.

Below I talk about of some of the different energy healing techniques that I use myself.

1. Flower Essences

Flower essences are a powerful and easy way to help improve the health of your energy system, and they are my personal favourite. They capture the healing vibrations from flowers into water, and when we take this essence into our bodies, the vibrations have the capacity to harmonise our own vibrations.

To learn more about this wonderful form of energy healing, please go to my flower essence pages. I am a qualified Flower Essence Practitioner, and you can buy flower essences through my website.

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