Become a Guest-Partner on our inaugural Telesummit Series!

Sell More of Your Products:

Whether you have a retreat, an online course,a book ora seminar to offer, Almanac Of the Spirit magazine will feature and promote you to our 100,000+ followers and platform, including email list, social media platforms & web traffic.

Build Your Own Following:

The exposure, traffic and promotion that you receive when you are a featured guest on the Almanac’s telesummit series can help you to generate thousands of new leads of your own.Your featured page on the telesummit series’ website will include links and promotions to lead interested prospects directly to subscribe to your email list and social media platforms.

Get Continual & Increased Traffic from your links on Almanac of the Spirit Magazine: 

Before and after your guest spot on the telesummit has gone live, your links will be featured on . The Almanac and its social media platforms already reach over 50,000 visitors and readers each month, and with the launch and telesummit promotions beginning in October, this is expected to climb to 170,000-200,000 visitors a month.

Accessible, Inclusive Triple-Tier Partnership Opportunities:

Whether your Facebook page has 100 likes or 100,000 likes, Almanac of the Spirit Magazine has a partnership tier that is perfect to get you involved with the Fall / Winter 2018-2018 Telesummit Series. If you are a coach, teacher, author, writer or expert in the Spiritual, Holistic Healing, New Age or Metaphysical market-space, becoming a guest-partner with the Almanac will be a wonderful opportunity to grow your business!

Your Next Steps:

There are 50 total spots for guest interviews in your Fall/Winter Telesummit Series, which will air Between October 31st 2018 & March 22nd, 2019. 

Here’s how to grab your’s:

Of those 50 spots, we will be accepting approximately 35 “tier 3 partners” , 

who will be required to share telesummit series promotions with social media followings of 100-2500 and email lists of 100-5000 leads. 

10 “tier 2 partners” will also be accepted, with required followings of 2500-15,000 social media leads and email lists of 5000-25,000, and five keynote partners with followings of 15,000-100,000+ will be presented with additional benefits. 

Join us at your appropriate level by emailing Almanac of the Spirit editor and host Laura Kirkendale.

Email with the subject line “I’m interested in becoming a guest on the telesummit” to , or reach out via Facebook Messenger to Laura Elizabeth or Almanac of the Spirit. 

Deadline to sign up is September 30th, 2018.

We look forward to hearing from you!